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E-Waste Recycling

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E-Waste Recycling

PSI's E-Waste Services Will Help You Recycle Your E-Waste Responsibly

PSI E-Waste Services
E-Waste Recycling

 E-waste is the most rapidly growing segment of the municipal solid waste stream. It consists of computers, monitors and electronic equipment, all of which contain some very toxic substances. When disposed of improperly these toxins present risks to our communities and the global ecosystem. Partner with PSI and let us properly dispose of your E-Waste. Call us now to learn more about our E-Waste Services at 800-325-4774 or CLICK HERE to register and get started today.

Partner with PSIPSI E-Waste Boards Recycling

In the near future, legislation will mandate recycling and fine companies for waste that is not disposed of properly. PSI is working on “getting ahead” of this legislation and has established a partnership with many of our vendors and a local recycling company. You are invited to make a difference and go green with us.


Five Reasons to Partner with PSI on Recycling Your E-Waste

1. Avoid Government Penalties
2. Stay Ahead of Legislation
3. It’s Environmentally Responsible
4. PSI Does Most of the Work
5. ‘Bragging Rights’ of a Green Program

Call us now to learn more about our E-Waste Services at 800-325-4774 or CLICK HERE to register and get started today.


Would you like to save your plant $1,000,000 this year? PSI’s award-winning Repairable Asset Control (RAC®) service offers on-site management of MRO parts and manufacture of obsolete/legacy components.